Don’t Drive When Tired

A woman yawning while driving

What to think about if you’re tired before driving

Busby Stoop’s guide to help you avoid driving when tired

Have you ever driven to work full of energy and left feeling exhausted and like you can’t be bothered to drive home? Well, it’s important to consider the round trip before you drive anywhere as being tired while driving can have serious consequences. It’s recommended that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night – but if you can get more all the better. Sleep is your bodies time of rest and allows you to be more productive and have better concentration.

Sometimes, it can’t be helped when you have to drive because you’re tired, but keeping our customers safe on the road is what we pride ourselves on at Busby Stoop. That’s why we’ve put together this blog to help you avoid getting in those situations.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has said that tired drivers who are involved in car accidents are at a higher risk of being injured or in worst case scenarios even dead. RoSPA has also revealed that fatigue causes 20% of all accidents, that’s a scary statistic, isn’t it? But all is not lost as there are a number of things you can do to reduce your risk of being involved in an accident.

Plan your journey ahead of time

If you plan in advance you’ll be able to know exactly where you’re going and the best route to take. As well as that you’ll also know where the best rest stops are to take a break. Another advantage of planning in advance is that you don’t have to rush – meaning you can have a more leisurely journey.

Between the hours of 12 am and 6 am, you’re most likely to be sleeping

During these hours it’s the riskiest time to be driving. You shouldn’t drive during this time unless it’s absolutely essential. Sleep deprivation is said to cause up to 360 accidents a year so if you are driving in these hours you should take a break every two hours. This is important for not only you and your passenger’s safety but also everyone else on the roads around you.

Split up your driving

Another thing to consider, especially for longer bus journeys is split driving. If you’re driving with companions and they’re on your car’s insurance – this is definitely something that should be done. Sharing the responsibility and driving is a great way to stay safe behind the wheel. It takes the pressure off one driver and makes the driving experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Get a cab or an alternative means of transport

Having the freedom to go where you want, when you want is one of the best parts of driving, isn’t it? It means we can make more plans and is especially useful when we want to see friends and family that don’t live nearby. However, social outings often involve alcohol and going out late into the night. If this is the case for you, it’s essential that you think about the pro’s and con’s of driving before you leave. If you plan on going out late at night it could be a good idea to get public transport or get a cab. If you do decide to drive it’s important to be aware of how much alcohol you’ve consumed before driving home. You should check your blood alcohol level is safe, this can be done by using a breathalyser. And if you stay over, we recommend sleeping off the hangover before you set off on your journey home.

If you’re worried about being tired when driving, then try not to. If you can sort out another way to travel, it’s best to stay safe. At Busby Stoop, we’re always on hand to help our customers stay safe on the roads and are always available to give advice and guidance on car maintenance. Contact us today or book online for any car problems you might be having.

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